GenesisArtículos por: Genesis
01 Jun

Statement of COP 22 President on US Decision to Withdraw of Paris Agreement

June 1, 2017 COP22 President, Salaheddine Mezouar expresses his profound disappointment following the decision of President Trump to withdraw the United States of America from the Paris Agreement, an historic collaboration and universal accord in the fight against climate change. “Despite this decision, climate action remains undeniable and irreversible. Our collective efforts to fight climate […]

09 May

More countries are backing their Paris pledges with national laws

Bonn, 9 May 2017 A rise in the number of countries that have introduced legislation to support their ‘nationally determined contributions’ (NDCs) to the Paris Climate Change Agreement, is unveiled in a new analysis presented today by experts and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Analysis by the Grantham Research Institute on […]

28 Apr

El Informe Ambiental de FARN celebró su novena edición

El Informe Ambiental 2017 colmó La Trastienda Samsung con más de 400 participantes. Importantes reflexiones de especialistas, la magia de Mimi Maura y un público comprometido hicieron de este evento una reafirmación de la necesidad de fortalecer una agenda ambiental nacional y regional estratégica, justa e inclusiva.

12 Apr

“El niño costero puede exacerbarse por el cambio climático”

José Manuel Gálvez, meteorólogo de la Administración Nacional Oceánica y Atmosférica (NOAA) explicó a Libélula que El Niño Costero es un fenómeno que se manifiesta en un calentamiento del mar pegado a las costas de Ecuador, Perú y norte de Chile, y que en su opinión podría convertirse en un fenómeno global.