
Advisory Services on Climate Change and Sustainability

CLIMATE CHANGE: According to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), climate change is defined as a change…



According to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), climate change is defined as a change in climate that is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and that is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods. We advise the private sector and the public sector on their opportunities in climate change issues to develop a lower carbon and more sustainable economy.

  • Carbon Credit Project Development
  • Technical and commercial feasibility of emission reduction projects: CDM, Voluntary Markets, etc. Emission reduction projects require a prior technical-commercial analysis to determine their feasibility, timing, the most appropriate certification standard, markets in which to operate, etc.
  • Preparation of emission reduction project documentation: Emission reduction projects are complex to implement. At Genesis we take care of the preparation of the PDD (Project Design Document).
  • Professional assistance in Validation and Registration of projects: Apart from the preparation of the necessary documentation for the development of an emission reduction project, we give professional assistance in the Validation and Registration of the project.
  • Monitoring and Verification of registration: Once the emission reduction projects are registered, it is necessary to monitor and verify them in order to obtain carbon credits. Genesis provides support and assistance in these two steps.
  • Developing Decarbonization Strategies: To decarbonize, organizations need technical support. As partners, we can help create strategies and roadmaps that ultimately integrate with your operational strategy. Our sector experts tailor their analytical capabilities in environmental footprint, climate risk and opportunity assessment to the nature and scale of the innovation you need.
  • Risk and Vulnerability Analysis of the company/organization in the face of Climate Change: This analysis is vital to know the risks and contingencies to which our organization is exposed. Few organizations today have a clear picture of their exposure to climate change.
  • Emissions Inventories – Carbon Footprint: Carbon footprint is known as “the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions emitted directly or indirectly by an individual, organization, event or product”. This environmental impact is measured by carrying out an inventory of GHG emissions according to the type of footprint, following recognized international standards such as ISO 14064, PAS 2050 or GHG Protocol, among others. The carbon footprint is measured in mass of CO2 equivalent. Once the size and footprint are known, it is possible to implement a strategy to reduce and/or offset emissions through different public or private programs.
  • International Climate Change Negotiations Reports: Our experts participate and make periodic reports on the “status quo” of the International Climate Change Negotiations. It is important to know that nowadays these negotiations lead the global environmental agenda and in Genesis we consider that the monitoring of these negotiations is vital information for the strategic management of any corporation/institution.
  • Advice and Development in Marketing and Communication of emission reduction projects: This is a very important point in any corporate Climate Change strategy. Marketing without the necessary knowledge on the subject can be wrong, and even more so a communication strategy on the subject. Our experience shows us that many times, due to lack of knowledge on the subject, a wrong use of vocabulary is made, or simply information is given that is not correct or sensitive information is delivered to the public, whatever the case may be, it shows a lack of knowledge on the subject, which leads the experienced reader to know where the subject is within the company.
  • Alignment of projects to the NDC (Nationally Determined Contributions): Lately, multilateral and bilateral financial institutions require as a condition to finance a climate change project its alignment to the NDC. Genesis is familiar with these processes and can help you with these issues.



  • Advice on Sustainable Financial Instruments: We advise the public and private sector on the new instruments that are emerging to finance the transition to a lower carbon and sustainable economy. Genesis within the UK PACT funded project has created a new sustainable financial instrument for Argentine SMEs, the GREEN CHECK MARKET.
  • Carbon credits
  • Green, Social, Sustainable, Blue, Orange and Blue Bonds
  • Biodiversity Credits
  • Water Credits
  • Green Check Market
  • Parametric Insurance
  • Blended Finance
  • Cloud Forest Bonds
  • Sustainable Finance Strategy Development: We advise the public and private sector on sustainable finance strategies and how to financially align with a new, lower carbon and more sustainable economy. Our experience: Sustainable Finance Strategy Development for Gabon.



Sustainable development is defined as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations, according to the Brundtland Report, 1987.

  • Situation Diagnosis / Environmental Risk Analysis: A situation diagnosis is to analyze alternatives that are available and above all the assessment of the consequences. Not knowing the situation of our company or organization with respect to Climate Change and Sustainability issues can make us vulnerable. A correct assessment of our risks and contingencies is vital and everything will depend on the particular nature of each company or organization.
  • Development of sustainable projects: At GENESIS we not only develop projects but we are also trained to operate and monitor them.
  • Due diligence of projects: In GENESIS we understand that a previous investigation of the projects (commercial, social, environmental feasibility, etc.) is necessary before signing the contract and starting the project.
  • Project development: At GENESIS we have vast experience in the development of this type of projects and their implementation, which generally involve the participation of several actors and stakeholders. In GENESIS we believe that these projects should not necessarily be intensive in economic resources, our experience is that most of the time the resources involved are not necessarily economic for their implementation.
  • Project follow-up: At GENESIS we not only develop projects but we are also trained to operate and follow up on them.
  • Water Footprint: The water footprint or water footprint is defined as “metric(s) that quantify the potential environmental impacts related to water,” according to the International Standard ISO 14046:2014,1or also as the total volume of freshwater used to produce the goods and services produced by a company, or consumed by an individual or community. Water use is measured in the volume of water consumed, evaporated or polluted, either per unit time for individuals and communities, or per unit mass for companies. The water footprint can be calculated for any defined group of consumers (e.g., individuals, families, towns, cities, provinces, states, or nations) or producers (e.g., public agencies, private companies, or the economic sector).
  • GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Reports: This is the best known standard for reporting sustainability issues of corporations and organizations. This standard is compatible with their financial reports.
  • Life Cycle Analysis (product-process or service) etc: An LCA is a technique based on analyzing the potential environmental impacts associated with a product, process or service by compiling relevant inventories of energy and materials used and assessing their environmental impact. Having this information makes it easier to make informed decisions regarding production, product or service generation.
  • Energy and Resource Efficiency: In Genesis we understand that the first step that companies take towards sustainability is the Energy and Resource Efficiency, this is in line with the cost reduction that is always required, but often the study of these is left aside not only for lack of financial resources for its subsequent implementation but also for time allocation of plant employees. In Genesis we have experts to carry out these studies.
  • Advice on Sustainability Strategies: The definition of a clear strategy on these issues is fundamental to establish the position of the company/individual and then to be able to communicate it. When defining Sustainability and Climate Change strategies, an intrinsic knowledge is needed not only of the company, its products or its operation, but also of sustainability and climate change issues. Only by working with both knowledge will it be possible to develop a strategy that is aligned with the existing strategies of the company/individual. The definition of a clear strategy on these issues is fundamental to establish the position of the company/individual and then to be able to communicate it.


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