
We made it!! UK Green Recovery Challenge Fund project

Today, November 30, 2022, the first operation of the Green Market for Checks and Promissory Notes of the @mavsaoficial was carried out…

We made it!! UK Green Recovery Challenge Fund project
GénesisNovedadesWe made it!! UK Green Recovery Challenge Fund project

Today, November 30, 2022, the first operation of the Green Market for Checks and Promissory Notes of the @mavsaoficial was carried out in Argentina. This «green attribute» arose within the framework of the #UKPACT Green Recovery Challenge Fund project, carried out during 2021 – 2022 by the consortium formed by @genesis.sustentabilidad@carbontrust and @mexico2.pmc. Today, almost a year after the project was presented, the first operation was carried out. Special thanks to Southern Trust Fund, @dyb_consultores_sac, Portfolio Investment and of course the Mercado Argentino de Valores (MAV). A great achievement of Argentina creating a new sustainable financial instrument that serves as an example to be replicated in other parts of the world.

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